Press Release

DVANA Releases Search Engine Title Tool

Search Engine Title Tool

DVANA releases new SEO online tool to help SME’s compete better online.


Business and Management Consultancy, DVANA, has announced the release of a new Search Engine Title Tool.

With an eye on an increasingly competitive business environment, DVANA have chosen to make available without charge and with immediate effect this tool. It helps small and medium sized businesses better tailor their online presence and rank higher, more easily in search engines.

Managing director Dr Katherine Bean PhD said, “The Search Engine Title Tool is designed to help small and medium sized businesses to quickly work out the best titles for their web pages. This cuts the time and effort needed to get the best rankings from Search Engine Optimization (SEO) activities.”

She added, “We have been using this tool for a while and thought others could benefit from it too. After all, competition is no longer just local, it is global, and all of our clients and partners need to be able to compete globally.”

The Search Engine Title Tool is accessed directly from the DVANA website at, there are links from the tools section or directly at

Dr Bean added, “We make available a wide range of tools, some free like the Search Engine Title Tool, others on a commercial basis. We also offer ground-breaking solutions, such as GREAT and training for a wide range of situations. At DVANA, we aim to help you make your business better.”

More information on DVANA's tools or DVANA can be found at